For Prospective Students

CIS Academy Charter School Open Enrollment has closed for 2023-2024 the lottery will be held Friday, April 28th, 2023 for the 2023-2024 academic year.



During each period of enrollment, CIS Academy will accept applications for new students. Once enrolled, students are not required to enroll in subsequent enrollment periods. Open space is determined by the number of current students planning to return.

The school shall enroll an eligible student who submits an application, unless the number of applications exceeds the capacity of a program, class, grade level, or building. If the number of applications exceeds the number of available spaces, a lottery will be held to fill vacant seats for the next school year. After seats are filled, the drawing will continue to determine the order of a waiting list. Any application received after the enrollment period is NOT entered in the lottery, but is added to the end of the grade level waiting list on a first-come, first-served basis. Lottery procedures will comply with NC Open Meeting Law provided in G.S. 143-218.10(a) by publicizing the date and location of the meeting and allowing anyone to attend.



Each applicant will have a card with their name and grade. The selection process will be by random drawing. Upon filling all available positions, the acceptance by lottery will continue, thereby, creating a school waiting list. Cards for the general wait list for each grade level will then be randomly drawn one card at a time, starting with the lowest grade level in the school. The lottery process will then proceed for each grade. As openings become available at the applicable grade level, students will be admitted based on their current lottery number. If applicants who are selected for admission decide not to enroll at CIS Academy, the parents of the next child on the wait list for that grade will be notified.

After completing the acceptance by lottery, CIS Academy shall have a specified and reasonable, time frame in which the accepted applicants must reply to the school clarifying their decision to accept or decline continuation of the enrollment process. The school’s enrollment policy, including all time frames, will be declared on the original application completed by the applicant. If multiple birth siblings apply for admission to a charter school and a lottery is needed under G.S. 11 5C-238G(g)(6), the charter school shall enter one surname into the lottery to represent all of the multiple birth siblings. If that surname of the multiple birth siblings is selected, then all of the multiple birth siblings shall be admitted.